My "bowl room" & assorted toys |
Some time ago I sat with, and studied with, a Native American Elder. My family has Cherokee heritage and a series of events leading to a spiritual awakening, and many questions, led me to a Cherokee Woman and Elder who became my teacher for many years. I was given the name Crystal Heart. A name that seemed to me to be a little bit New Age as I was expecting something more native. (a lesson in expectations)
One day my teacher turned to me and said...."You need to study sound, go sit with------" (A woman who was a sound healer) and I did. For two years I was immersed in the study of sound as a hearing modality. During that time, I was exposed to the sounds of Tibetan bowls and crystal bowls for the first time. I loved both, but my soul sang with the crystal bowls. I decided that I needed to have crystal bowls in my life and started to purchase them as I could afford it.
Spirit, of course, guided me to a woman who became a dear friend and happened to be a distributor for crystal bowls. She made sure that every bowl I purchased was perfect pitch. I now have 18 bowls in my collection, from 4" to 22" in diameter, a full scale plus sharps. Because they are perfect pitch, or nearly so, I can play them like an instrument and the sound is much more musical in nature.
I have been playing them for many years now and am considered by some to be a "Master". I'm not sure about that, but I do know that my name , Crystal Heart, makes perfect sense.
Crystal bowls are 98-99% quartz crystal. They were originally produced for the computer industry as crucibles to grow silicon wafers in. Someone must have tapped one at some point and discovered the incredible chime-like quality. Now, they are produced for their unique sound and sold to musicians and to people in the metaphysical community world wide.
Sound Healing:
The human body is a great conductor of sound because we are mostly water. Sound will hit us at a cellular level. We are bombarded all day, every day, with all sorts of sound, most of which is not good for us. We are meant to hear the movement of the air in the trees, the sound of the ocean, birds singing, or children laughing, but what we hear in our modern world, unless you are lucky enough to live in the country, is the sound of traffic, sirens and the hum of electricity. The sound produced by crystal bowls is a very high vibrational sound and the human body will entrain with it quickly and easily. If it is perfect pitch, then each aspect of the body that is "out of tune" with dis-ease will entrain with the sound, raising the vibration to match the perfect pitch. That is where the healing takes place.
I have witnessed amazing healing with the crystal bowls. However, what I witness most often is people being "lifted", deeply relaxed and with a heightened sense of well-being. Most people look younger, eyes look clearer and they feel as though they have just had an extraordinary experience.
One hour CD/three tracks |
About the CD:
My CD is 60 minutes long and is in three tracks, the first two are bowls only and the last one is me chanting with the bowls. The playing of the bowls and the chanting was totally intuitive and Spirit guided. Part of my training with sound was to learn to be a "hollow tube" and be able to set my mental process aside and simply allow Spirit to take over. I a very pleased with the result. I was also blessed to be able to record this CD in a professional studio with state-of-the-art equipment. The quality of the CD is very good.
This CD has been used by numerous massage therapists and has also been used by several midwifes as background to the birthing process. Babies have come into the world hearing MY CRYSTAL BOWLS!!!!! It totally makes me humble and happy.
The bowls are set up in my home. The room that use to be the dining room is now all bowls and other sound instruments. I do take appointments for private sound sessions and also do meditational events with the bowls. Sometimes, I have events in my home with groups of people ,or, I take them to other locations. Although, I can't take all 18 bowls since some of them are just to big and heavy for me to transport. Yoga studios are one of my favorite places for me to play. I love the sound going through the wood floors and moving through such a " sound-live" spaces.
If you are interested in booking a session or attending an event, contact me a
Blessings of Light, Love and Laughter
Margaret Joyce
Grandmother Crystal Heart
I have witnessed many of your Crystal Bowl sessions and have always been moved. Each session takes on its own character and no two are ever alike. There is always transformation at many levels. I always feel more awake and somehow smoothed out.