Sunday, March 13, 2011

Prayers for the "best and highest good"

We pray for balance to come in a good way.

As systems breakdown, as the Great Earth Mother shakes and alters her orientation to the heavens, her magnetics and her relationship to us, we pray for the ability to support her in her process. We pray for the ability to be in the flow of creation and acknowlege our responsibility in the manifestation of the current situation as co-creators with the Divine. May the innocent be protected and shielded from harm.

We call to the Wisdom Keepers, Earth Keepers of the past, present & future, The Ancient Ones and The Elders of all Nations of all realms, two legged, four legged, winged ones, swimmers, crawlers, standing ones, and stone people, to the Spirits of The Four Directions, to that which is above us and that which is below us, protect and hold our Beloved Mother in a loving embrace. Bring the truth to those in ignorance and in ego. Allow us to continue to sing the song of life.

Great Mystery, you who are know by thousands of names, we surrender.
